You’ve heard of martial arts such as Wing Chun and Karate… But have you heard of Singafist?

Set in 1998, Singafist follows the story of 17-year-old Ah Feng who wanted to learn martial arts for the first time. Keen to follow in the footsteps of his hero Bruce Lee, Ah Feng decided to register for ‘Wing Chun’ classes. 

On his way to register for the class, he met Master Teo who introduced him to Singafist, Singapore’s very own martial art and took him in as a disciple. 

Singafist combines eight different martial art styles:




Northern Shaolin kungfu

Southern Shaolin kungfu



and Silambam

When Singafist was first created in 1985, thousands of students of all races signed up for the class

However, only a handful of people practise Singafist today.

When Ah Feng spots a couple of young thugs threatening his friend for protection money, he puts his newfound skill in Singafist to the test.

Is Singafist enough for him to protect his friend with?